Saturday, March 29, 2014


English: Tibetan endless knot Nederlands: Tibe...
English: Tibetan endless knot Nederlands: Tibetaanse Oneindige knoop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Holy Spirit Cathedral (Minsk), Belarus
Holy Spirit Cathedral (Minsk), Belarus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
7 Lucky Gods of japan
7 Lucky Gods of japan (Photo credit: Steve-kun)
Binitarianism is a Christian theology of duality, two personae, two individuals, or two aspects in one Godhead (or God). Classically, binitarianism is understood as a form of monotheism — that is, that God is an absolutely single being; and yet with binitarianism there is a "twoness" in God. The other common forms of monotheism are "unitarianism", a belief in a single God with one aspect, and "trinitarianism", a belief in a single God with three aspects.
While binitarianism is sometimes used self-descriptively,[1] it is also used to denote Christian error or heresy[2] as are the following related terms:

  • "Bitheism", a belief in two distinct persons in one essence, "God family," who are in perfect harmony/agreement with each other/one another, composed of the Father and the Son as two distinct Gods, and the Holy Spirit as not a God, but rather as the living power of God that flows/emanates between both the Father and the Son.
  • "Ditheism", a belief in two Gods working against one another's purpose, e.g. God versus the Satan. This term has been used to describe the doctrines of the World Churches of God by the offshoot Christian Churches of God.[3]
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